Our workers compensation team assist injured workers to obtain the full extent of their entitlements under the Workcover scheme. This includes access to medical treatment, payment for lost income and lump sum compensation for pain and suffering.
If you have been diagnosed with an asbestos related condition, such as; mesothelioma, lung cancer, asbestosis or asbestos related pleural disease, you need expert advice quickly. We can help you and your family navigate the compensation system.
Public liability claims encompass a wide range of circumstances where an individual suffers injury or damage due to the negligence of a third party. This includes injuries sustained in supermarkets and shopping centres, at school, in your rental property, and many more.
You may be entitled to compensation from the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) if you have been injured in a road accident in Victoria as a driver, rider, passenger or pedestrian. The TAC also pays compensation if someone dies as a result of a road accident.
If you have been diagnosed with silicosis or a silica related disease from silica exposure at work, you are likely to have a compensation claim. Silica exposure is common in stonemasonry, construction, concreting, bricklaying, mining and quarrying industries.
Medical negligence occurs when a medical practitioner or allied health provider fails to meet the duty of care they owe you. You may be entitled to compensation for the loss or injuries this has caused you.
There is power in numbers. When a group of people have been affected by the same legal issues, they can sometimes bring their claims before the Courts together. This is called a class action, or a representative proceeding.
In response to concerns raised by customers of Ticketmaster and Live Nation, class action law firm, Gordon Legal today announced it was undertaking an investigation into allegations of deceptive, misleading or unconscionable conduct which may have inflated the price of tickets for performances and events in Australia.
The Robodebt class action settlement has been appealed, to make new claims of misfeasance in public office against the officials who knew that Robodebt was unlawful, but went ahead with it anyway.
Gordon Legal, together with Hayden Stephens & Associates, have been engaged to pursue claims in the Federal Court of Australia on behalf of junior doctors against a number of Victorian Health Services.
Gordon Legal, together with Hayden Stephens & Associates, have been engaged to pursue claims in the Federal Court of Australia on behalf of junior doctors against two Australian Capital Territory Health Services.
Gordon Legal has commenced an investigation into the Veterans MATES program, which has been conducted by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) and the University of South Australia since 2005.
Gordon Legal has received instructions to file test cases arising from the conduct of AMS Ivanhoe Lawyers (AMS) and its late partner, John Adams.
Gordon Legal has commenced a class action against the Emergency Services Superannuation Board (ESSSuper) for unpaid super entitlements.
Gordon Legal is acting for the SDA and two other lead applicants in the KFC Rest Break Class Action to seek compensation for KFC workers who did not receive 10 minute rest breaks.
Gordon Legal, together with Hayden Stephens and Associates, are investigating potential legal action against Latitude Financial, for serious security breaches which have compromised the personal information of past and present customers. The breach has affected millions of customers.
Gordon Legal, in collaboration with Berrill & Watson, have commenced class actions against two insurers, QBE and Lloyds, to assist business owners to make claims on their business interruption insurance policies for COVID-19 related losses to profit and revenue.
Gordon Legal has commenced an investigation into the Dymocks data breach. We understand that some 1.24 million customer records were stolen and published on the dark web in the data breach.
Gordon Legal is investigating the Student Financial Supplement Scheme that was wound up in 2003. If you incurred a debt under the scheme, please register your interest for a callback. Your information will remain confidential. By registering your interest, you will not be responsible for any legal costs, unless you engage us to act on your behalf.
Led by Peter Gordon and Andrew Grech, our team are passionate about fighting for justice on behalf of everyday people. We have experience running class action claims in Australia and overseas, including the United States.
Gordon Legal offers assistance in a diverse range of commercial disputes, investigations and advisory work. We are focused on assisting companies and individuals in complex matters. We our expert technical knowledge and frank commercial advice in a clear and pragmatic way.
If you are subject to unfair treatment at work or in many other settings, you may have a claim for reinstatement, compensation or changes in the way things are done.
When someone passes away it can be a difficult time for everyone involved. These difficult times can be made even harder if you’re concerned about your place in the Will of the deceased. We can provide you with experienced and valuable advice that will help you navigate these tricky times.
Our criminal law services are available to any person charged with, or being investigated for, any criminal offence. We also offer services to parties in intervention order proceedings.
Our family lawyer is a specialist in the field providing high quality legal advice, guidance and representation in all aspects of family law, including divorce, parenting arrangements and property settlements in a client focused and cost-effective manner.
Your reputation is important. If an untrue or misleading statement is made about you in public, you may be able to bring a claim in defamation to protect your reputation. Gordon Legal has lead and defended many claims for defamation. Please contact us with your defamation claim today.
We put a lot of our trust and confidence into professionals. There can be devastating consequences when they make bad choices, provide bad advice or act unprofessionally. It is reasonable to expect to receive professional, sound advice from professionals. We are experts in professional negligence claims.
Our personal injury team assists individuals whose ability to work has been permanently compromised to access total and permanent disability benefits under their superannuation policy. We pride ourselves in doing so, in a timely and cost-effective manner.
People with authority in an institution like a school or church have a duty to protect those in their care from harm. When they fail, we can help survivors of the abuse make a claim over their suffering and trauma.
Our lawyers have decades of experience across all areas of the law. Whatever your legal needs are, we can help. And we undertake every case with compassion and understanding.
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