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KFC Class Action

KFC Class Action Update

In July 2024 the Federal Court made orders for the distribution of a notice to group members about the KFC Class Action. The notice provides information about the case and the process for opting out.

You can view the Court-ordered notice and the Court-ordered FAQ document below.

About the KFC Class Action

Gordon Legal is collaborating with Shine Lawyers in the KFC Class Action. The KFC Class Action seeks compensation for KFC workers across the country who weren’t provided with 10 minute rest breaks when working in KFC stores.

The KFC Class Action has been lodged because for too long KFC and KFC franchisees have not been providing their workers the breaks they are entitled to.

It’s time that KFC workers get what they are owed.

The SDA, the union for fast food workers, is supporting the case.

If you worked at KFC between 2017 and 2024, and did not receive all your 10 minute rest breaks when working shifts of 4 hours or more, you may have an eligible claim in the class action.

If you think you might have a claim, or want to find out more, please register your information with us. Registration is free and without obligation. We will keep your information confidential.

KFC Class Action

Frequently Asked Questions

Recovering compensation for KFC workers who did not get 10 minute rest breaks when working shifts of 4 hours or more.

We are claiming that:

  1. KFC and KFC Franchisees failed to provide 10 minute rest breaks that workers are legally entitled to;
  2. As a result – KFC and KFC Franchisees contravened the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth); and
  3. Compensation should be paid to KFC employees for each and every 10 minute rest break they are owed.

A class action, also known as a group proceeding, is a court procedure brought by one or more individuals known as representative applicants on their own behalf and on behalf of other people who have similar claims against the same party or parties (the respondent(s)). The individuals in the wider group are known as group members.

Class Actions are brought to resolve common issues of fact or law for the wider group. It is not necessary that group members have identical claims. In fact, it is to be expected that there will differences between the loss and damage suffered by each individual group member.

No. Gordon Legal is obliged to keep your information confidential once registered for the class action. You do not have to tell KFC that you have registered with us.

  • There are no upfront or out of pocket costs for group members. The SDA are contributing towards the legal costs in the KFC Rest Breaks Class Action because they know how important it is that KFC workers get what they are owed.
  • Any excess costs will be funded by Gordon Legal on a no-win no-fee basis.
  • This means that legal costs will only be charged if there is a successful outcome, such as a settlement or a judgment of the Court. If the class action is not successful, there will be no costs payable by group members.

A class action, also known as a group proceeding, is a court procedure brought by one or more individuals known as representative applicants on their own behalf and on behalf of other people who have similar claims against the same party or parties (the respondent(s)). The individuals in the wider group are known as group members.

Class actions are brought to resolve common issues of fact or law for the wider group. It is not necessary that group members have identical claims. In fact, it is to be expected that there will differences between the loss and damage suffered by each individual group member.

Class actions allow people to access justice when they otherwise would not bring an individual claim.

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