Gordon Legal announces Ticketmaster and Live Nation Class Action Investigation
In response to concerns raised by customers of Ticketmaster and Live Nation, class action law firm, Gordon Legal today announced it was undertaking an investigation into allegations of deceptive, misleading or unconscionable conduct which may have inflated the price of tickets for performances and events in Australia.
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ACT junior doctors reach landmark class action settlement
Junior doctors in the ACT have reached a landmark $31.5 million settlement in their fight for unpaid overtime. The class action result paves the way for an estimated 2,200 junior doctors employed in the ACT over the last eight years to receive repayment for their unpaid overtime. All junior doctors employed by the ACT Government and Calvary Health Care (now North Canberra Hospital) will be notified about the settlement in the coming months.
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The Age: Stakes too high to drag our feed on asbestos
We know that if you or a loved one is diagnosed with an asbestos related disease; such as mesothelioma or asbestosis, you will have a lot on your mind. The prospect of embarking on a legal case is probably very daunting. Our job is to take the stress out of it for you.
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Herald Sun: Burned out and at risk of errors
Gordon Legal, together with Hayden Stephens & Associates, have been engaged by the Victorian division of the Australian Salaried Medical Officers Federation (ASMOF) and a number of individual junior doctors to pursue claims in the Federal Court of Australia against a number of Victorian Health Services. These claims will allege that those Health Services failed to pay Doctors in Training for the unrostered overtime worked over the previous six years of their employment.
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“The last straw” – class action launched for transport workers’ unpaid super
Gordon Legal and the Rail Tram and Bus Union have today announced a class action against one of Australia’s largest super funds. The Emergency and State Services Super (ESSSuper) is under fire for unpaid superannuation to transport employees, which could exceed more than $40 million in unpaid entitlements.
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Peninsula Health wage theft appeal meets inglorious end
Today Peninsula Health withdrew their appeal to overturn last year’s landmark ruling by the Federal Court. Peninsula Health’s dramatic change of heart and last-minute capitulation now means that the Federal Court’s earlier decision remains in place, paving the way for thousands of junior doctors to claim their unpaid wages.
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