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Robodebt class action could deliver justice for tens of thousands of Australians instead of mere hundreds

Click below to read an article written by Professor Terry Carney, Emeritus Professor of Law at the University of NSW about the Robodebt Scheme. The article provides a good summary of what’s wrong with the scheme and how a class action may help.

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Gordon Legal to Fight Illegal Robodebt Clawback

Gordon Legal is taking up the fight on behalf of a large group of people who have had their legitimate Centrelink benefits illegally clawed back by the Federal Government through its Robodebt scheme.

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James Higgins discusses with 3AW’s Denis Walter where you stand if your dog attacks someone or another dog

Gordon Legal partner James Higgins discusses with 3AW’s Denis Walter where you stand if your dog attacks someone or another dog.

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TAC Lawyers Welcome Road to Zero Program and a New Generation of Safe Drivers

TAC lawyers across the state are welcoming the introduction of a world first education program in Victoria. Museums Victoria have joined forces with the TAC to create the education complex Road to Zero, aimed towards high school students, which hopes to increase their knowledge and understanding of road safety, as well as the dangers of car accidents.

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James Higgins discusses with 3AW’s Darren James the increasing concerns about silicosis

Our obsession with stone kitchens and benches is creating the next wave of lung disease for workers. When stone is cut it can release silica dust which if inhaled, can become a potentially fatal disease.

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Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyers: How can we reduce the rise in road fatalities?

Road accident fatalities in Victoria are at an all-time high. The statistics have increased 60.7% from this time last year. The TAC has recorded 143 deaths in 2019 so far – a stark comparison to 89 deaths reported in June 2018.

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