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Personal Injury Lawyers Melbourne

Our team of personal injury lawyers in Melbourne are located on William Street, in the heart of the Melbourne CBD. Established in 2009, we have successfully represented countless individuals who have experienced a personal injury and sought compensation for costs, loss of income, pain and suffering, emotional distress and lost earnings capacity. We offer clients a No Win, No Fee agreement which means that if your claim is not successful you don’t have to pay legal fees to us.

Injury Compensation

Personal injury compensation can be awarded for a range of conditions and circumstances and can be given in the form of a lump sum payment directly to you, payment directly to any treatment providers you have or will be seeing for treatment, or in smaller payments depending on your case and whether a government body such as WorkCover or TAC are involved. Accidents can happen and it may not always appear simple and straight-forward to proceed with a personal injury claim. However, if you are in need of help and treatment to recover from your injuries, then it is only right that you should be able to access that help and treatment, and to recover as fully as possible from your experience.

If you have experienced an injury as a result of medical procedures, prescription medicines or treatments that you believe was caused by medical negligence then you may be entitled to compensation for your physical and mental distress associated with your injury, your treatment and your recovery. Similarly, if you have sustained an injury in a public place such as a shopping centre, a museum, or other public building or outdoor space, you may qualify for a public liability claim to help you with medical expenses and lost earnings while you are recovering.

It’s Personal

The Gordon Legal team of personal injury lawyers in Melbourne have already helped individuals with their personal injury claims relating to car accidents and transport accidents, WorkCover claims and workers compensation cases including dispute resolution and mediation, sexual abuse, TAC road accidents involving public transport, and serious injuries as a result of medical malpractice.

Our strong tradition of representing the rights of working Australians also make us best placed to help and represent you in claims relating to industrial accidents, asbestos exposure and illnesses, industrial accidents, as well as for superannuation claims and other entitlements. Our experience has included successful class actions and we have a team of dedicated legal experts with a detailed knowledge of asbestos law and the medical illnesses which can result from exposure to it. For us, it’s personal. Every case we take on is a commitment to an individual to help them win the compensation that they deserve.

Expert Compensation Lawyers

Our team of compensation lawyers include specialist legal minds who are highly experienced not only with the legal language and end-to-end process of your individual claim, whether that be related to medical negligence, industrial injuries, injuries in a public place, but also with the personal skills required to help empower someone experiencing distress and discomfort following a personal injury. Engaging legal services can appear daunting, especially if you have never been through this process before or even known of someone who has.

Often people who need the help and expert services of personal injury lawyers will find themselves wondering whether their claim for compensation is ‘right’ or ‘justified’. If you believe you have a personal injury claim, then it is always best to seek the advice of a legal professional. Friends and family can offer you valuable support but our team of personal injury lawyers in Melbourne are best placed to provide a frank and honest assessment of your claim. Our experience and our commitment to helping people understand their rights and entitlements under Australian law means that our legal services are specifically designed to help people just like you.

Car Accident Lawyers Melbourne | Gordon Legal

What is the role of a car accident lawyer in the insurance claims process?

Navigating the insurance claims process can be daunting, and this is where the expertise of a car accident lawyer becomes invaluable. As a whole, they play a critical role in helping you receive the compensation you deserve. They can provide you with professional advice on what to expect and represent you in negotiations with insurance companies.

As such, if you’re looking for car accident lawyers Melbourne-wide, know that Gordon Legal can help.

We understand the complexities of the insurance claims process and the emotional turmoil that follows a car accident. That’s why our dedicated legal team is committed to guiding you every step of the way.

How do I choose the right car accident lawyer in Melbourne?

Finding the right car accident lawyers Melbourne has to offer is a pivotal step toward achieving justice and securing the compensation you deserve. Firstly, it’s important to choose a law firm with a successful track record and years of experience.

Your lawyer should also have genuine care and concern for both you and your specific case. After all, being involved in a car accident is never easy, but working with someone who’s committed to your cause can make the overall process much smoother.

Finally, a suitable car accident lawyer must be able to communicate with you in a simple and straightforward way.

At Gordon Legal, we’ve served clients across Melbourne and beyond, with over 200 years of combined legal experience helping everyday people like you. We know how difficult filing a claim can be, and that’s why we’ll understand you and your situation as best as we can.

Just like our founder, Peter Gordon, we’re dedicated to telling it straight. Rest assured that we’ll provide you with all the necessary information you need in a reliable and easy-to-understand manner.

Here, Peter Gordon has established a team united by his personal belief in compassion, ultimately advocating for the rights of everyday Melbournians and other individuals across Victoria. At Gordon Legal, we’ll carefully guide you through each stage of the process and help ensure that you have a comprehensive understanding of your situation, all so you can make well-informed decisions.

What are the costs to see a car accident lawyer?

There are a number of car accident lawyers Melbourne has to offer, but some may charge fees as you go through the different processes with them – be it claims, settlement, or representation.

However, we at Gordon Legal recognise that recovering from a personal injury isn’t easy. For this reason, we offer a compassionate and fair approach to legal fees, especially in the wake of a road accident.

Here, you can breathe easy knowing that we can connect you with no-win no-fee lawyers Melbourne-wide.

Designed to alleviate your financial worries during such stressful times, this cost structure means that we don’t charge you for our services unless we win your case. Without any upfront fees, you can better concentrate on recovery and all the other important aspects of your life.

What information should I bring to my first meeting with a car accident lawyer?

After your search for car accident lawyers Melbourne-wide, it’s important to bring essential information like police reports, medical records, insurance papers, and witness documents. Remember, the more relevant details and descriptions you provide, the better your lawyer can address your concerns.

As such, we at Gordon Legal strive to make your first meeting with your lawyer as productive, stress-free, and convenient as we possibly can.

Simply contact us by phone or email, and we’ll get in touch with you within one business day. In line with this, our consultations can be remotely conducted over the phone or via Zoom, but we can also always travel to where you are within Victoria or meet you at our office in Melbourne.

Aside from our Melbourne lawyers, we can also connect you with Dandenong lawyers, Geelong lawyers, and Warrnambool lawyers if needed.

What types of damages can I claim in a car accident case?

In a car accident case, you can be entitled to claim a range of damages to cover both economic and non-economic losses.

  • Economic damages. These encompass medical expenses, lost wages due to inability to work, property damage costs for vehicle repairs or replacements, and any other financial losses incurred as a result of the accident, such as home care services and transportation costs.
  • Non-economic damages. These cover pain and suffering, including both physical and emotional distress, as well as loss of enjoyment of life. This is especially important if the accident results in permanent disabilities that affect your way of living.

Given these damages, you might want to speak with the car accident lawyers Melbourne has to offer if you’ve been in an accident.

Here at Gordon Legal, we have a legal team dedicated to helping you receive the compensation you deserve. We’ll connect you with a lawyer who can assist you with the process, supporting you by providing clear, direct, and easily understandable legal help.

Can I still file a claim if the car accident was partially my fault?

Car accidents can be complex, and the fault isn’t always clear-cut. As such, being partially at fault doesn’t bar you from filing a claim.

The principle of contributory negligence acknowledges that more than one party can share the fault for an accident. This means that if you were partially responsible, you could still pursue compensation. However, the amount you can recover may be adjusted based on your share of the fault.

It’s critical to navigate these issues with professional legal advice, which is where Gordon Legal can assist.

If you’ve been looking up terms like ‘car accident lawyers Melbourne-wide’ or ‘best no win no fee lawyers’, know that our legal team can help you understand your rights and options, even in complex situations.

When you reach out to one of our TAC lawyers, they can assist in demystifying the legal process, offering clear, direct guidance. This way, you can be empowered to make informed decisions and go through the claims process with the appropriate legal support.

What are the common fees or payment structures for car accident lawyers?

When you’re looking for car accident lawyers Melbourne-wide, it’s important to take note that there can be payment structures such as hourly fees, flat fees, or retainer fees. You may also be responsible for other expenses upfront, like court fees, expert witness fees, and accident reconstructionist costs. These expenses can quickly add up, adding an extra layer of stress during an already challenging time.

However, at Gordon Legal, we don’t want financial pressures to hinder you from pursuing legal action.

While traditional payment structures generally ask you to pay upfront, we have a no-win, no-fee system that ensures our services are accessible. Under this arrangement, we’ll only ever charge you for our legal service if we win your case, allowing you to also prioritise and focus on recovery.

How long does it typically take to resolve a car accident case?

The time it takes to resolve a car accident case would depend on the situation, typically ranging from a couple of months to years. This is ultimately influenced by numerous factors, like the severity of injuries, the extent of property damage, the complexity of the accident, area jurisdiction, and the availability of evidence.

In addition to this, the process of gathering medical records and perhaps negotiating with insurance companies can further contribute to the timeline.

Given this, if you’ve been looking at what car accident lawyers Melbourne has available, keep in mind that we at Gordon Legal are here to provide timely and convenient assistance.

When you’re ready, you’ll be able to contact our legal team, and we’ll typically get back to you within one business day. Then, we can offer our legal guidance and representation over the phone, via Zoom, and even physically at one of our offices or perhaps at a nearby location of your choice. Our Melbourne, Geelong, Warrnambool, and Dandenong solicitors are available to help you.

Will I have to go to court, or can the case be settled out of court?

Car accident cases can typically be resolved through settlement negotiations outside of court. However, if an agreement cannot be reached between both parties, it may be necessary to bring the claim to court. If the case goes to trial, then the judge will consider the damages and a wide range of other factors. Finally, after a thorough assessment, there’ll be a decision regarding fair and just compensation.

However, settlements can usually save both parties time and effort. They can be reached either before a court case or even in the middle of an ongoing one.

With this, you can determine a suitable course of action by looking for car accident lawyers Melbourne-wide and then pushing through with a consultation.

At Gordon Legal, you can be supported by a committed team that advocates for the rights and well-being of everyday Australians. Our lawyers are committed to making complex legal matters understandable and manageable, ensuring you have the appropriate court or settlement advice for your situation.

Workers Comp Lawyers | Gordon Legal

What types of injuries are covered by workers’ compensation?

Like Peter Gordon, the Gordon Legal team understands the impact a work-related injury can have, not just physically but emotionally and financially as well. Our commitment is to offer you support, guidance, and expert legal help from experienced workers comp lawyers during these challenging times.

Workers’ compensation is designed to protect employees who suffer injuries or develop medical conditions directly related to their jobs. It helps ensure that if you’re injured or become ill because of your work, you’re entitled to receive benefits. These injuries can occur in various situations, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Injuries sustained while at your place of employment
  • Injuries that happen on work premises, even if you’re not actively working at the moment
  • Injuries that happened during authorised breaks, such as your lunch break

We know that navigating the process for work compensation claims can seem overwhelming. But don’t worry, our workers comp lawyers are here to help you understand your rights and explore the compensation you may be entitled to for your pain and suffering, loss of income, medical expenses, and more.

Can I choose my own doctor for a workers’ compensation case?

Besides seeking the best no win no fee lawyers, seeing your doctor is a good first step when you hurt yourself at work. Your doctor knows your health history and is in a great position to understand how your work injury or illness can affect you.

Just like how you can choose worker comp lawyers to help with your claim, you have the right to pick your doctor. You should not be forced to see a doctor your employer has chosen if you prefer to see your own. If you’re ever told to see a different doctor by your employer, it’s still a good idea to also see your doctor. Tell them about any treatment or medicine you’ve been given.

Will I be fired if I file a workers’ compensation claim?

When considering working with Geelong law firms or workers comp lawyers to help with your claim, it’s natural to worry about your job. But remember that laws are in place to protect employees in this situation.

Specifically, for the first 52 weeks after an injury, your position cannot be terminated just because you’re not able to do your job due to that injury. This period provides some job security while you recover, whether those weeks are all at once or spread out.

Consider a scenario like Alex’s. Alex works in construction and suffers a back injury, limiting his ability to lift and perform his usual tasks. If, after 52 weeks, Alex is still not able to take on his original duties and there are no alternative roles that match his skills and condition, his employer has the option to end his employment.

However, it’s critical to note that even in such cases, your rights to workers’ compensation benefits continue. Should you find yourself unable to return to your pre-injury job, you may still be eligible for ongoing support.

Can I be compensated for travel expenses related to medical treatment for my injury?

Workers’ compensation can cover reasonable and necessary travel expenses associated with medical appointments for your injury. However, the specifics regarding what is covered and to what extent can vary depending on where you live. Our workers comp lawyers have the expertise and experience to advise you about the workers’ compensation laws in your area.

It’s also recommended to maintain detailed records of all your travel expenses, including receipts and mileage logs, to ensure you have everything you need for a smooth reimbursement process. Having proof of the expenses you made related to your injury can significantly help with your case.

How does workers’ compensation interact with other types of insurance I may have?

When it comes to how workers’ compensation interacts with other types of insurance – such as health insurance or disability insurance – the distinctions and overlaps are important to understand for anyone navigating these benefits.

Health insurance in Australia typically covers medical expenses for conditions not related to work. When an employee suffers a work-related injury, workers’ compensation is the primary source of coverage for medical and related expenses.

However, there are instances where an employee’s private health insurance may come into play, particularly for treatments that are not covered by workers’ compensation or for medical conditions unrelated to work. In such cases, health insurance can provide additional coverage, ensuring that the employee’s medical needs are fully met without significant out-of-pocket expenses.

From researching state-specific guidelines and the interaction between workers’ compensation and other types of insurance, we know it can be daunting to do alone, especially for someone who has just suffered an injury. As these tasks can be fraught with complications, seeking guidance from experienced workcover lawyers can be invaluable.

Our workers comp lawyers here at Gordon Legal will gladly assist you with your legal concerns.

What is the cost to see a workers’ compensation lawyer?

When considering the cost of consulting workers comp lawyers, it’s important to know that Gordon Legal operates on a ‘no-win, no-fee’ basis. This means that you won’t face any legal fees unless your case is successful. Our goal is to make sure that financial concerns don’t prevent you from pursuing your rights and receiving the legal support you need during such challenging times.

What should I bring to an initial consultation with a workers’ compensation lawyer?

At Gordon Legal, we understand the complexities surrounding workers’ compensation claims and the importance of having the right support from a workcover lawyer. When preparing for your initial consultation with one of our experienced workers comp lawyers, bringing comprehensive documentation is crucial for us to effectively assess and advise on your case.

This includes any correspondence related to your injury (emails, letters, texts), contact details of witnesses or individuals who have offered assistance, detailed notes about the incident (including photos, if possible), records of medical treatments received, receipts for any expenses incurred due to your injury, and documentation of any work time missed.

When you’re ready, reach out by calling us or completing the form on our website. Your message will be received by a dedicated team member who will contact you within 24 hours. At Gordon Legal, your well-being is our priority, and we look forward to supporting you through this process. Having discovered what we can do to help with your case, there’s no need to keep searching for terms like ‘workers   compensation lawyers Melbourne’ or ‘compensation lawyers Melbourne’.

Let our workers comp lawyers help with your claim today.

Get in touch

Engaging Gordon Legal for legal advice is the first step on your road to recovery. Let us help you to comprehend your current position, explain what you might be entitled to claim for, and win you the compensation that will assist you to fully rest and recuperate. Your initial case assessment with one of our personal injury lawyers in Melbourne does not cost you anything and is also obligation free. We can provide you with straight-forward advice relating directly to your claim and advise whether we believe it’s a viable claim for compensation we can represent you in. If you are unsure whether you wish to proceed with us, you are under no obligation to do so. You may wish to take some time to think about what we have said and offered you in that initial consultation and get in touch when you feel you are ready to proceed with your claim.

Getting in touch with Gordon Legal can be done over the phone on 1800 21 22 23 or via our website. You can submit your case outline through our website portal and one of our legal team will be in touch to discuss in further detail with you if we need to. Remember that with us, it’s personal.

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Level 22/181 William Street
Melbourne VIC 3000

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1800 21 22 23


544/546 High St
Northcote VIC 3070

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535 Elizabeth Street
Melbourne VIC 3000

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1/75 Robinson Street
Dandenong VIC 3175

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183 Moorabool Street
Geelong VIC 3220

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145 Timor Street
Warrnambool VIC 3280

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1800 21 22 23